how to add blogger to adsense

How to add blogger to AdSense is a question that has been bugging bloggers across the globe for quite some time. The concept is very simple, you sign up with blogger and add your URL to their ads on your blog. When people click on the ads and are directed to your site, you get paid for the clicks. It’s that easy!

So how do you accomplish this? Like many other bloggers I did not have any success with this until I began searching for a system that would automate the process for me. I tried various methods including Google search engine submissions, manually adding the code every time and was constantly frustrated with the results. My final solution was to search for a program that would integrate my account with blogger so that I could automatically submit the code whenever I wanted. After a bit of searching, I found what I believe to be the easiest and most effective method available.

This is what I like to call, “automatic code contributor”. You will need to open your WordPress powered blog, log in using your user name and password, and select the “Add blogger to AdSense” option at the bottom left corner. You will see a screen that looks something like this:

This will take you through a few simple steps to complete the process. Once done you will be able to submit a simple code to the publisher side of the ads. Blogger will automatically remove the ads from any content they are displaying on your blog, without you having to lift a finger. Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for the cash to start rolling into your bank account.

The last step in the process is one of my favorites, and it is the most commonly overlooked step. The most important thing you can do to help make money with your how to add blogger to adsense program is to start building trust with Google. Trusting your website or blog’s author is the first big step, but there is so much more you can do to increase your click-through rate (CTR). Here is how you do it. First, join the Google AdSense program, Google AdSense has some really great tools available to help increase your CTR. Next, make sure you are following the instructions outlined in the “How To Add Blogger To AdsSense” section of the AdSense site.

This step will show you how to use the code provided by Google to create your ads. After you have created your ad(s), you will want to place them on your blog(s). Click on the ads, and then go to your settings, under “Google Ads Settings”, click the link for Google AdSense. You will need to fill in your information, and click Save. Your ads will now show up in your blog(s).

Finally, you are ready to start making money with your new, improved AdSense blog! The easiest way to get started is to sign up for an AdSense account, and create a free blog. From that point forward, you are now a publisher. You can choose which types of ads to display, and how much to pay per click. How to add blogger to adsense is done in the same manner as you did when you set up your original website. Simply add the ads and code, and your blog is set up to make money for you!

If you are still curious about how to add blogger to sense, don’t worry. Bloggers are notorious for being difficult when it comes to websites and software. Don’t give up hope. There are many tutorials available on how to add ads to your site from other webmasters who have been through the process before. Once you have the ads working on your site, you will be amazed at how easy and profitable it all becomes!

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