gimkit Join Code | Login

imkit Join – Your pupils will be able to participate in your game of Code using the instant-join option. This attribute Using Gimkit’s Join Code, they won’t have to manually enter their game codes or names. Simply having them visit will add them to your game.

Article Name Gimkit Join
Gimkit Login
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Gimkit Join Code Click Here

Using’s instant- join feature requires you to have a class with active student accounts.

  1. When configuring your game options, choose your specific class.
  2. Initiate hosting for your game.
  3. Instruct students to visit If they are logged into their accounts and belong to your class, they will automatically join. If they aren’t logged in, they will be prompted to log in after entering the game code.

How to Terminate a Game Prematurely

Ending an ongoing Gimkit game before its natural conclusion is a straightforward process.

Click on the exit button located at the upper right corner. The icon resembles a half circle with an arrow pointing to the right.


Welcome to KitCodes! KitCodes introduces an interactive mode that encourages your students to be active and move around the classroom. However, a little preparation is necessary.

Printable KitCodes

To print KitCodes, click here. You’ll need to display these codes around your classroom. Students will scan these codes to access the shopping section.

Requirements for KitCodes play:

  • KitCodes printed and placed around the classroom
  • Students should be able to move with their devices (laptops, tablets, phones)
  • Student devices should have a functioning camera

How KitCodes Operate

KitCodes functions similarly to the regular Gimkit, with a significant twist: students need to physically move around the classroom to shop! Upon entering the shop, students can’t manually select upgrades or access power-ups. Instead, they’ll be prompted to scan a KitCode.

Students will traverse the classroom to locate the specific KitCode for the item they wish to purchase. Once found, they scan that code.

And voila! They’re instantly directed to the corresponding section of the shop!

That’s all there is to it! With KitCodes positioned throughout the classroom, students engage in physical movement to conduct their shopping. Furthermore, it’s fascinating to observe the items students are interested in purchasing during the midst of a game!

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